
Author: abigailmac

Weekly Reflection Post 2

In class on January 28th, we were taught about Multimedia learning! This concept explores the idea that “People can learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone” (Mayer, 2009, p. 189). In class, we discussed how our brain processes information visually and auditorily so multimedia can help learners understand concepts. For this reason, multimedia is super useful in the world of teaching!

What is Multimedia?

“Multimedia refers to the integration of various forms of media, such as text, graphics, audio, video, and animation, in a digital format. It involves the combination of different elements to create interactive and dynamic content that engages the senses” Levono, 2025

Image by T point Tech

At the end of class we were given time to experiment and I worked on Powerpoint with the “Smart Art” tool to create a lifecycle of the coconut cycle chart. I could even add to this by attaching images of coconuts at each stage.

Weekly Reflection Post 1

In class on Tuesday, January 21st, we had Jesse Miller come present to us and he shared a lot of important information including the following:

  • Social media has changed how we broadcast our lives and has added a layer to our discourse, information sharing, and literacies. Sources spread quickly and we can see information from anyone.
  • Social media and associated content gives us a version of events but not the complete picture. When interacting with/viewing information online, use critical thinking skills and consider where info is coming from.
  • Everything on the internet has a product & byproduct. Did you know that when we click security boxes (click all boxes with storefronts, street signs, stop signs, cars, etc) it trains an algorithm? Well, that algorithm gets fed to self-driving cars…super cool!
  • School Expectations and the Employer. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you take a student’s direct contact information that is not parental. In an emergency situation, like a student is missing, perhaps ask if another student who has their number can contact them directly
  • Social media usage by educators has three potential audiences.1Staff,2public/parents,3students. Be aware of this!
  • Do not use district/work technology for personal use. Anything the technology accesses, websites etc, can be tracked. Same goes for what websites are accessed using the school’s/businesses wifi.
  • Teachers have a legal reporting responsibility. If you see a student in a bar, or on a dating website, or somewhere they are not supposed to be, you are required to report to the bartender/principal. That student may need support and not always advisable to just immediately contact parents.
  • Digital consent. Seek agreement before taking photos/videos
  • Resource: How to challenge people without being a jerk https://www.fearlessculture.design/blog-posts/radical-candor-how-to-challenge-people-without-being-a-jerk#:~:text=Radical%20Candor%20means%20challenging%20people,to%20hurt%20the%20person%20either

In today’s highly digital world, where social media plays a significant role, discussions like the one by Jesse are more important than ever!

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